We serviced a
Near Victoria, MN 55386
Job Details: 11/14/2023
Installed new limit thermostat from diagnosis. Once installed reassembled. Tested unit multiple times heating and tumbling correctly. Unit is heating properly also. Did recommend last time getting the vents cleaned. Cleaned inside the dryer and did a maintenance cleanup. Unit is now operating correctly.
We serviced a
Model ASD2522WRW02
Near Minneapolis, MN 55414
Job Details: 11/14/2023
"One complaint is that all their food freezes and its always too cold. When I got here it was set to the coldest setting. I asked her if they've tried it on a warmer setting and she said yes. Temp near the top of the fridge is 39. Told tenant they cant have food along back or itll freeze. Tested the damper, and it doesnt close when set to the warmest setting. Always stays open. Replaced thermo assembly. Also, tenant said the icemaker doesnt work. I showed her that the arm was pulled out. She said that happened yesterday. When they pulled a bag of ice out. But that should not have pulled the arm out. She said the arm has always been in, and it hasnt made ice. I put the arm in and within a minute it cycled and filled with water. Water dispenses nice and strong from the dispenser. Freezer is zero degrees. Runs great now.
We serviced a
Model KDTM404KPS0
Near Saint Paul, MN 55117
Job Details: 11/14/2023
"Dishwasher not draining. Found the drain pump had a rock in it, cleaned out debris, and made sure entire drain line was totally clean. Filled and drained the dishwasher 4 times after cleaning out drain pump and it drains great every time now."
We serviced a
Near Roseville, MN 55113
Job Details: 11/14/2023
"Icemaker not working. They used to get some water leaking when the Icemaker was on. I thawed out the old Icemaker and tried cycling it, and it got stuck part way through the cycle. Bad motor. Replaced Icemaker, adjusted the dispenser chute so that water wouldnt splash up over funnel, it filled great and no leaks.
We serviced a
Near Saint Michael, MN 55376
Job Details: 11/14/2023
"Customer complaint was the refrigerator was was not cooling. Removed shelfs and back cover found frost built up. Steamed the ice out. Customer approved the updated kit. Installed new sensor, heater, and drain kit. Tested making sure the heater worked.
We serviced a
Model FFHS2311LW0
Near Waite Park, MN 56387
Job Details: 11/14/2023
"Customer complaint is, FROSTING UP IN FREEZER. Frost is accumulating by the ice dispenser chute and underneath the ice bucket. Inspected and tested. FF compartment temperature is 39F and freezer is 8F. The ice chute door is stuck open. I messed with it and then it shut. Now its opening and closing perfectly. Nothing is broken on it. I showed this to the customer and advised to keep an eye on it."
We serviced a
Model MSS25C4MGZ06
Near Saint Joseph, MN 56374
Job Details: 11/14/2023
"Customer complaint is, ICE MAKER STOPPED WORKING MAKES NOISES. Inspected and tested. FF compartment temperature is 37F and freezer is -2F. I checked the wiring harness at the bottom hinge and all ice maker wires had continuity. The sensor is just hanging from the bottom of the ice maker and the tray is breaking. Customer approved repairs. Installed new ice maker and tested. Ice maker cycled and filled with water. Ice maker is now fixed."
We serviced a
Model GDT580SSF0SS
Near Eden Prairie, MN 55347
Job Details: 11/14/2023
Tenant said melted a plastic ware and doesnt think water is getting in. Hooked up SmartHQ. No errors ran unit found the motor would try to kick on but wouldnt actually wash. Went in test mode tested all features motor isnt kicking on. Getting 120 to the motor. Needs new motor. ; ordrng 1 WD49X23781 (MOTOR MECHANISM TALL TUB)
We serviced a
Model NE58H9970WS/AA
Near Minneapolis, MN 55422
Job Details: 11/14/2023
They had the breaker pop and then the bake and broil stopped working. I found a smoked control board. I cant find the part number. DW could you try and find it and call customer with quote if you do?; saved tckt
We serviced a
Model NE595N0PBSR/AA
Near Edina, MN 55410
Job Details: 11/14/2023
E84 error. Checked everything in service bulletin. Either needs new inverter board or PCB or both. Gave customer ballpark quote for each option. They said if the inverter board is available theyd like to maybe try that. Can you see if thats available? And call them? ; saved tckt
We serviced a
Model KDFE204ESS3
Near Apple Valley, MN 55124
Job Details: 11/14/2023
Found that the dishwasher motor is bad. Just humming and not spraying water. Customer approved estimate. I picked up part and replaced sump assembly. Tested and dishwasher is running and working good.; ordrd 1 WPW10605058 (Sump assembly)
We serviced a
Model LDT5665ST
Near Saint Paul, MN 55105
Job Details: 11/14/2023
"Dishwasher wont turn on. It has power going to control board as LED light is on but no power is going out. But is having some weird power issues, i did get spikes of power to user interface. Ordering that part as well, incase but only quoted for the control board.User interface panel assembly AGL75675203; Control board AGM76429511; schdld next appmnt for 11/21 TUE !"
We serviced a
Model CVE28DP3NBD1
Near Minneapolis, MN 55416
Job Details: 11/14/2023
Customer says unit not cooling properly. Fresh food was at 36 which is fine. Im getting an issue with the freezer. So hooked up SmartHQ. Had codes for warmer temps and 3 way valve error. Put unit in test mode was able to change the position of the valve and is operating correctly. Try to start compressor and it wont its stuck. Can hear the compressor shake and act up but never runs properly. Will need a new inverter WR55X36435Dana is sourcing a inverter. Will need to update customer with time frame. ; states that autho needed
We serviced a
Model PRIR34450SS
Near Maplewood, MN 55109
Job Details: 11/14/2023
"When I got here there was a new range installed. They had moved the problematic range to the garage. There were no notes on this or parts listed but I had the parts. I assumed that it was covered by warener stallion or Beko. I went ahead the replaced parts but since there is no 220V in garage I cant test it.Customer is not happy with whole sistuation and bought a new one and will list the one I replaced parts on for sale.I dont know if there is any balance due and it only took me 15 minutes since it was just part and I didnt test it. No notes on billing and customer is very unhappy.I guess send to Phil and see what we want to do with this?; saved tckt , states that autho needed"
We serviced a
Model WNM110-7
Near Minneapolis, MN 55408
Job Details: 11/14/2023
"Replaced bad spark module but no matter how I had terminals connected, it would only spark one side, not both. Confirmed that both ignitors spark. Needs new switch harness for the burner controls. DW can you try and find one and quote RPM for both that and the spark module and see what they want to do? Before only one knob would cause a spark to happen and that was sporadic. Now two knobs will cause the ignitors to spark. Ill need a double slot when I come back. ; saved tckt"
We serviced a
Near Saint Paul, MN 55126
Job Details: 11/13/2023
"Squealing. Found two bad support rollers. Replaced them and cleaned and oiled shafts. Cleaned and greased pully/ vacuumed out dryer: runs great now.
We serviced a
Model WGG745S0FS02
Near Dayton, MN 55327
Job Details: 11/13/2023
"Customer started the lower oven was not starting. Remove racks, lower covers found the bake ignitor was not operating correctly. Quoted the customer repair customer approved. Install new bake ignitor cycled and tested oven now starts and is operating correctly.
We serviced a
Model LGID2478SF0A
Near Minneapolis, MN 55448
Job Details: 11/13/2023
"The dishwasher just drains but never stops to fill. It was getting all the pressure sensor faults. We quoted for the sensor part. We replaced the pressure sensor and cleaned out the drain hose. We then ran the diagnostic test. Now the dishwasher will drain then stops and fills and runs a cycle. All working good now.
We serviced a
Near Lakeville, MN 55044
Job Details: 11/13/2023
Found that the freezer evaporator drain was clogged and froze the line so it woulf then defrost onto bottom of freezer and then eventually leak onto floor. I defrosted drain line and cleaned ice build up. Now drains correctly and no longer leaks. Refrigerator is working good.
We serviced a
Model FFID2426TS3A
Near Eagan, MN 55122
Job Details: 11/13/2023
Found that the dishwasher latch was tripped without door being shut so the dishwasher thought the door was shut and the touch pad is unresponsive. I showed customer how to reset it.
We serviced a
Model WM3470HVA
Near Long Lake, MN 55356
Job Details: 11/13/2023
Unit leaking water on second load. I found where one of the clips on the hose for the recirculation pump was loose and leaking. Its a pinch style. Replace hose clamp and checked the others. Now unit is working properly without leaks
We serviced a
Model Pt9200sl3ss
Near Eden Prairie, MN 55347
Job Details: 11/13/2023
Unit giving F9 code. Checked SmartHQ. Cant hook up but looked up tech sheet found its for the cooling fan or thermostats. Pulled unit out. Tested the high limit cut out. That was good. Next checked the sail switch. Found the switch is good. But it was a little sticky. Tested unit found the sail switch isnt working. Cleaned the switch off. Has dust built up. Tested oven multiple times switch engages every time.
We serviced a
Model MGD7000XG2
Near Saint Paul, MN 55105
Job Details: 11/13/2023
Found that the dryer sound was from the vent being split and air escaping making whistling sound. Also the outside vent flap plastic was broken and open. Customer approved estimate to replace some sections of vent and the outside flap. Tested and dryer now vents outside and no whistling sound. Dryer is running and cycling heat normally.
We serviced a
Model MHWE251YG00
Near Saint Paul, MN 55105
Job Details: 11/13/2023
"Found that the washer is not drianing and getting a drain error. Found that the drain trap was full of pet hair and preventing draining. Cleaned OWI rust drain trap, tested and washer now drains and is working good.
We serviced a
Model DW16.1XL
Near Minneapolis, MN 55431
Job Details: 11/13/2023
Customers getting error code again. Spoke with asko Techline. Found a bunch of food built up in the sump. We cleaned the best I could. Tech line said nothing we can do besides complete disassembly of unit. Because of how the pump heater and sump are combined.
We serviced a
Model RGB524PPA1WH
Near Minneapolis, MN 55420
Job Details: 11/13/2023
One of the burners will not have evenly flames due to grease contamination . To resolved issues we clean all burners and make sure the flames come on evenly after clean up they all working nice.
We serviced a
Model SLGR30530SS
Near Minneapolis, MN 55437
Job Details: 11/13/2023
we checked voltage for the ignitor we didnt get reading cero amps. After replaced new ignitor unit it works find no more issues.
We serviced a
Model GRMC2273BF
Near Maple Grove, MN 55311
Job Details: 11/13/2023
After water is dispensed from the door and the left door is then opened water drips from the dispenser. After taking it all apart and checking everything we found a small crack in the dispenser water fill tube. We repaired the tube. No parts needed. Now it does not leak. Everything is working good now.
We serviced a
Model GDP645SYN5FS
Near Otsego, MN 55330
Job Details: 11/13/2023
"Customer complaint is, FAILURE TO DRAIN ERROR. DRAIN PUMP WAS JUST REPLACED AND IT IS STILL AN ISSUE. Customer said hes also gotten a H20 error once. I removed the pressure sensor and theres some gunk in it. Cleaned it out and reassembled. I started a normal wash cycle and it gives a H20 error before it even finishes filling. I tried this 4 times and its doing the same thing. I put dishwasher into fault mode and theres no errors that come up. I ran dishwasher through service mode and everything worked perfectly. I hooked up SmartHQ and it says model is incompatible. I tried starting a normal cycle again and it gave the H20 error. I had customer power cycle it at the breaker and tried again. Still giving the H20 error. I replaced the pressure sensor and tested. Started dishwasher on a heavy cycle and its working perfectly for over 40 minutes and its filled, washed and drained 4 times. Dishwasher is now fixed."
We serviced a
Model EFMG617STT0
Near Minneapolis, MN 55414
Job Details: 11/13/2023
"Running super loud. I found a great deal of lint built up in the blower wheel. Cleaned out dryer, and bulkhead. Also found the lint screen has a lot of dryer sheet oil on it and it blocks the dryer from venting. Customer will scrub that clean. Runs much quieter now."
We serviced a
Model WW22K6800AW/A2
Near Minneapolis, MN 55405
Job Details: 11/13/2023
Still giving 4C error on regular wash. Ended up finding that the hot water valve is also bad. The water pressure coming to the washer is horrible. Called owner and told him the pressure needs to be adjusted coming up to the washer.
We serviced a
Model KDTE254ESS0
Near Rogers, MN 55374
Job Details: 11/13/2023
Customer complaint was unit turns on and then shuts off. Cycled and tested found the pump was not functioning. Removed filter and found water. Vacuumed out the water removed the pump found glass in the pump impeller. Removed glass. Cycled and tested unit functioning correctly at this time. Ran diagnostics mode to reset unit
We serviced a
Model WA50M7450AW/A403
Near Zimmerman, MN 55398
Job Details: 11/13/2023
"Customer complaint is, LEAKING FROM THE BOTTOM. Customer said its a slow leak. Inspected and tested. I filled washer and let it agitate for a while and then drained it and didnt see any water leaking. I tipped washer up and inspected underneath and didnt see anything wet. I removed the back and filled washer again and dont see anything leaking. I cant get washer to leak while testing."
We serviced a
Model SHP878ZD5N/01
Near Lakeville, MN 55044
Job Details: 11/13/2023
Found that it is getting E:07 error which is drying fan error. It getting power to fan motor but not running and also found that it is leaking from there as well into drip pan. Customer approved estimate. Ordering part and rescheduling.; ordrng 1 12009748 (Drying fan motor)
We serviced a
Near Eden Prairie, MN 55347
Job Details: 11/13/2023
"Right front burner wont ignite. Verified complaint. The switch works all the other igniters are sparking. Tried to clean the igniter. Still nothing. Tested voltage. Getting voltage. Needs a new igniter. Quoted blue book. At this time customer is fine using a lighter. But will talk with her husband and let us know. ; (serial indicated as 'NotAvailable' so system created UIS w/pseudo #), ordrd 1 WB13X27058 (Igniter)"
We serviced a
Model WKE100HVA
Near Eden Prairie, MN 55346
Job Details: 11/13/2023
Tenant said unit leaking. Tested unit. Leaking from under the door. Found the door boot is torn and is leaking from there. Under approved amount ordered part from Marcone. ; ordrng 1 MDS66290828 (Bellow)
We serviced a
Model LDP6810BD
Near Prior Lake, MN 55372
Job Details: 11/13/2023
Unit leaking. Found unit not mounted pulled unit out and ran unit and found water leaking from the case break and the drain hose. Its inserted properly. Quoted for the new cases and hose. Customer didnt answer the phone. This is a rental and joe is the property manager. Saved estimate and addd photos ; saved tckt
We serviced a
Model KHMS105EWH0
Near Minneapolis, MN 55414
Job Details: 11/13/2023
"Keypad sporadically doesnt work for tenant. They showed me when I arrived how some of the buttons work and some dont on the touch pad. Also, they said it doesnt heat well. They said sometimes itll heat, and sometimes it takes a long time to heat up food. I confirmed that no matter what setting I put the microwave on, it is barely heating. Used a glass of cold water to test it. Did an amp draw and found its only drawing .50 amps when running. Appears the main control isnt sending power to high side: DW Im trying to find the control and cant locate it. Can you see if you can find one and quote RPM for a replace? ; saved tckt"
We serviced a
Model WA50R5400AV/US02
Near Otsego, MN 55330
Job Details: 11/13/2023
"Customer complaint is, WASHER WILL NOT SPIN, UNIT IS LEVEL BUT THE TUB SHAKES WHEN IT IS JUST A BIT UNBALLANCED. Inspected and tested. Started washer with a load of towels and it started shaking and banging and gave a Ur error. Im ordering 4 new dampers. Parts on order. ; ordrd 4 DC97-16350U (Dampers)s"
We serviced a
Model LSE7806ACE
Near Minneapolis, MN 55415
Job Details: 11/13/2023
Replaced bad lid switch assembly and fuse. Works great now.
We serviced a
Model 590
Near Minneapolis, MN 55441
Job Details: 11/13/2023
"Fridge shut down. Found a melted power button, with the wires coming to and from it melted. Needs new power button and will need to splice on new wires and connectors. Data tag attached. Please try and find power switch and quote customer for new switch and splicing new wires and connectors. Thanks ; saved tckt"
We serviced a
Model FFEF3054TSS
Near Monticello, MN 55362
Job Details: 11/13/2023
"Customer complaint is, CODE F90 AND DOOR LOCK DOESNT WORK. Inspected and tested. Found the door lock is in the locked position. I cant get it to cycle open. Im ordering a new door lock motor and board. Parts on order. ; ordrd 1 5304528973 (Door lock motor) and 1 5304532117 (Board) and 1 316419145 (Overlay)"
We serviced a
Model MEDB835DW3
Near Albertville, MN 55301
Job Details: 11/09/2023
"Customer complaint is, REALLY SQUEALING. Inspected and tested. Found the idler pulley is failing and is squealing. Customer approved repairs. Installed new idler pulley and vacuumed out inside of dryer. Tested and dryer sounds great. Dryer is now fixed.
We serviced a
Model FFHD2250TS3
Near Brooklyn Park, MN 55445
Job Details: 11/09/2023
"Water flowing slowly out of dispenser and ice maker making small cubes. Made sure no saddle valve. Found a kinked line. Taped a stint around the line so that it wouldnt kink again and taped line to back of fridge. Also found insulation breaking down behind fridge and moisture coming through. Explained no fix for that, and that will also cause water to partially freeze and slow down."
We serviced a
Model MGD9700SQ0
Near Saint Paul, MN 55105
Job Details: 11/09/2023
Found that hot gas coils are bad and will stop turning on gas to heat. Customer approved estimate. Replaced gas coils and cleaned out inside dryer of lint build up. Tested and dryer is heating and working good.
We serviced a
Model 31213WAV
Near Minneapolis, MN 55414
Job Details: 11/09/2023
Clock broke off panel and shorted and tripped the GFCI outlet. I reset gfi outlet and range cooktop sparks and oven is heating. Clock is not needed for function of range. they will use without clock. I showed customer.No additional charge to reset gfi.
We serviced a
Model WRS321SDHW00
Near Saint Michael, MN 55376
Job Details: 11/09/2023
The customer said the ice maker does not make ice. I found ice maker bailing arm was pulled out the ice maker module. I pushed the arm back in and it started the harvest. It dumped the ice and filled with water. No more issues found. I showed the customer how to reset the filter status.
We serviced a
Model LDTS5552S
Near Saint Joseph, MN 56374
Job Details: 11/09/2023
"Customer complaint is, LOUD NOISE NEAR THE END AND NOT CLEANING WELL. Inspected and tested. Found the circulation pump gets loud further into the cycle. Customer approved repairs. Installed new circulation pump and tested. Dishwasher sounds great. Dishwasher is now fixed.
We serviced a
Model LAT4916AAE
Near Chanhassen, MN 55317
Job Details: 11/09/2023
Installed new slide kit. Once installed tested unit was better but still was some play in the belt. Replaced the belts also. Now unit is working properly. Agitates properly and spins out. Unit is miss all 4 leveling legs did my best.
We serviced a
Model DV45H6300GW/A3
Near Minneapolis, MN 55436
Job Details: 11/09/2023
Found that the idler wheel is worn. Replaced idler with new redesigned part. Tested and dryer is quiet and working good.
We serviced a
Model LDG4315BD/00
Near Minneapolis, MN 55423
Job Details: 11/09/2023
"Found that the igniter is weak for the tarp oven bake and wont turn on the gas to heat oven causing it to give F9 (no heat) error. Customer approved estimate. Replaced igniter, tested and bake turns on and oven preheated and is working good.
We serviced a
Model NTW4605EW0
Near Minneapolis, MN 55443
Job Details: 11/09/2023
"Doesnt agitate. Found the transmission has rusted through the bottom, and the plate is connected to the transmission and I cant get it off. Ended up spending an hour tightening the bolt for the agitator plate. Used locktit too. Agitates great now."
We serviced a
Model 110.46742701
Near Dayton, MN 55327
Job Details: 11/09/2023
The customer said the washer makes a slapping sound during the spin cycle. We put a load of clothes in the washer and ran a rinse and spin. The washer ran the whole cycle and sounded normal. We ran the washer again and it still sounded normal. I removed the lower panel and found the tech sheet panel was loose and hitting the shocks. I pulled the tech sheet off and tucked behind the motor control board. I did not find any other issues.
We serviced a
Near Rogers, MN 55374
Job Details: 11/09/2023
The complaint is the dryer does not heat at all. I verified on time dry the dryer does not heat. We pulled the front off and found the blue wire connector to the heater is short and not connected. I cut the wire back and installed a new connector. The new connector has a clip so it does not move. We put it back together and now it heats.
We serviced a
Model BFFD3624SS
Near Minneapolis, MN 55419
Job Details: 11/09/2023
Replaced bad Icemaker. Cycled. Should work great now.
We serviced a
Model WF45R6300AVUS/03
Near Minnetonka, MN 55305
Job Details: 11/09/2023
"Samsung stacked front load washer. They said it often leaks, they just see a puddle after the wash is done on the front left corner. From the mineral deposits on the front of the washer, it looks like water is leaking maybe from the detergent assembly, and leaking down the front. I can see a lot of junk building up around the front of it, when I pull the cover of the washer back I see a lot of mineral deposits around the perimeter. I cleaned out the dispenser orfices (approximately 20 of them). I made sure nothing was stuck in the hoses. I took apart the detergent dispenser and cleaned out a lot of mineral deposit in the dispenser and made sure siphons work well because water wasnt draining down them well. Now water drains well. I also cleaned out dryer filter because lint was built up heavily in filter. I scrubbed that out with water and a green scrub pad. Also cleaned out the individual vent holes inside dryer where lint trap goes. It looks like sometimes water may be dripping down (condensation) from the front. I ran it on a quick wash and it went all the way through with no leaks.
We serviced a
Model GFWN1100H1WW
Near Saint Michael, MN 55376
Job Details: 11/09/2023
The customer said the washer makes a squeaking sound when it starts to agitate. We filled the washer with towels and started a wash cycle. After it started to wash the washer was making the noise. We pulled the back cover off and found the noise was from the belt. We cleaned the belt and put back on. Now it sounds better.
We serviced a
Model GDT645SYN4FS
Near Saint Michael, MN 55376
Job Details: 11/09/2023
The dishwasher does not drain. We started the drain pump and it just buzzes. We vacuumed out the water and then removed the drain pump. We found a nut stuck in the drain pump. We cleared the pump out it back on. Now the dishwasher works well and drains good.
We serviced a
Model KB6525PS
Near Saint Paul, MN 55105
Job Details: 11/09/2023
"Microwave will heat but when you try to open door or use the open or close door button the microwave will power cycle as if you just plugged in microwave. Either its the control board or drawer motor shorting out when its under load?Office: im not sure which part is at fault so order both, but when i pull out control board I dont know if the part number i have listed is the relay board that controls the drawer motor. Please double check. Order both parts if I come back. Parts shows NLA and discontinued. Please research and give estimate if parts can be found.Drawer motor FANGTB020MRK1; control board DPWBFC595WRKZ?; saved tckt"
We serviced a
Model MVWP575GW1
Near Saint Joseph, MN 56374
Job Details: 11/09/2023
"Customer complaint is, AGITATOR IS NOISY AND CLUNKY. Inspected and tested. Found the actuator was broken. Quoted customer $406. to install actuator and splutch assembly. Customer approved repairs. Parts on order. Installed new actuator and splutch assembly and tested. Ran washer through a calibration cycle, ran washer through test mode and everything was working perfectly. Ran washer through a rinse and spin and its working great. Washer is now fixed. The lady that I talked to last time I was here is not in today, so I called the number on file and they told me they dont disperse payment at this location and we would have to deal with the office. Can someone collect the balance please. ; used 1 W10721967 (SPLUTCH KIT) from stock, states that autho needed"
We serviced a
Model DW80R5060US/AA00
Near Maple Grove, MN 55369
Job Details: 11/09/2023
Door lock assembly is broken. Needs new door lock assembly. DD81-02132A seems to be the part number but DW could you please verify its correct? And order it and schedule return visit?; O-emld tckt
We serviced a
Model WDT730PAHZ0
Near Saint Paul, MN 55105
Job Details: 11/09/2023
"Found that heater is is bad but also saw that it is leaking from the diverter seal, tried new seal and still leaks, also water valve is not filling all the way. Due to quote and parts needed customer will purchase new one.Office: customer wants to apply some of the trip charge to have us install the new dishwasher. Will we do that? Please contact customer and give a remaining quote for me to install a new dishwasher.; saved tckt"
We serviced a
Model MSS25C4MGZ06
Near Saint Joseph, MN 56374
Job Details: 11/09/2023
"Customer complaint is, ICE MAKER STOPPED WORKING MAKES NOISES. Inspected and tested. FF compartment temperature is 37F and freezer is -2F. I checked the wiring harness at the bottom hinge and all ice maker wires had continuity. The sensor is just hanging from the bottom of the ice maker and the tray is breaking. Quoted customer $370. to install new ice maker. Customer approved repairs. Part on order. ; ordrd 1 W10873791 (Ice maker)"
We serviced a
Near Minneapolis, MN 55410
Job Details: 11/09/2023
"Has moisture in fresh food section on the divider wall from top to bottom and will drip into bottom and pool up underneath crisper. I ensure there was door seal was sealing all the way around. Called GE and they said it was a known issue? And to replace the evaporator sensor, replace rusted evaporator drain pan, replace saturated evaporator fan assembly and insulate side wall thermistor and that should take care of it.Customer approved estimate. Ordering parts and rescheduling. Scheduling 2 hours.Evaporator sensorDrain pan rustedFresh food evap fan assyThermistor side wall insulated.; ordrng 1 WR17X11843 (Evap drain pan) and 1 WR17X12490 (Evap fan assy), ordrd 2 WR55X10025 (Themistor)s and 2 40a15 (Light bulb)s"
We serviced a
Model DCE33PA-1SSD
Near Minneapolis, MN 55447
Job Details: 11/09/2023
The customer said the ice maker does not make ice and it has been serviced before. When I arrived I found the ice maker was turned off. I turned the ice maker on and waited. After about 20 minutes it started to drop ice. The ice maker continued to make ice. Per the Scotsman cleaning video it needs to be cleaned every six months. They also said it takes at least 2 hours for cleaning. The customer said she will clean it and leave it on so we can see what its Doing. I want to come back and check it out. https://youtu.be/BiS_VSH1y3o?si=6tuJ-HTDQZ25KetU; schdld next appmnt for 11/20 MON !
We serviced a
Near Victoria, MN 55386
Job Details: 11/09/2023
Unit wont power on. Tested outlet. Next found the wiring diagram. Looks like power goes right to the the high limit thermostat. Disassembled tested thermostat found it was bad. Quoted blue book. Ordered part from Marcone and rescheduled ; ordrng 1 WE04X31017 (THERMOSTAT - HI LIMIT)
We serviced a
Model WA54R7200AW
Near Chaska, MN 55318
Job Details: 11/09/2023
"Customers complaint UR ERROR CODE AT THE END OF THE RINSE, BEGINNING OF SPIN CYCLE. PREVIOUSLY WAS GETTING UB CODE. Customer replace springs and now sitting higher and still has issue. The springs installed are wrong. Its so high the top of unit is on drum. Looks like parts not available. So not sure what the issue was at the beginning because the springs are wrong and causing an issue. Would need springs then go from there. Please source parts and update customer. DC97-16350V dampers; snapped 1 QuickPics, states that autho needed"
We serviced a
Model KSRS25FGBT01
Near Minneapolis, MN 55447
Job Details: 11/09/2023
Customer complaint was not making ice. Manually did an ice harvest. Found the ice maker working correctly no water being supplied to the ice maker. Checked one the water valve power getting to the valve. Checked resistance at the coil and the coil is open. Will need new water valve assembly. The dispenser bracket is broken and it wont dispenser water. Ordering the bracket and water valve. ; ordrd 1 W10408179 (I/M VALVE - DOUBLE COIL) and 1 WP21802262 (Dispenser bracket)
We serviced a
Model RF28R7351SR/AA
Near Plymouth, MN 55446
Job Details: 11/09/2023
"The ice maker is frosted up and the bucket is stuck. We got the bucket out. There is frost build up all over the ice maker. The ice bucket is cracked. The ice chute boot is broken off. It needs the parts listed below. We will replace the parts and apply silicone then adjust the fill tube. Please get approval. Ice container DA97-20156BDispenser shoot boot DA97-12594AIce maker assembly DA97-15217BFood grade silicone DA81-05595A; snapped 1 QuickPics, states that autho needed"
We serviced a
Model PK7800SK4SS
Near Chaska, MN 55318
Job Details: 11/09/2023
Unit giving miss communication error for using lower oven. Checked through GE site and found if you have this issue check the connections if connections good replace bridge board. There is also about replacing the control board for same issue. Going to order both to be save. Testing as a bad bridge board. Quoted blue boon and rescheduled WB27X25692 bridge boardWB27X27172 control board. Phil thought it might have been WB27x32685. Looking in to it more WB27X27172 control board is what the bridge board is hooking up to. Will need WB27X27172 sourced. Not sure if Phil would want me to try the bridge board first if not available. Call with questions kinda a goofy one. ; ordrng 1 WB27X25692 (Bridge board)
We serviced a
Near Minneapolis, MN 55405
Job Details: 11/09/2023
"They kept hearing the compressor trying to turn on and a loud clicking. They unplugged it and then waited a couple days. Plugged it in this morning and when I arrived 6 hours later it only had frost on top rung of evaporator. Compressor is scalding hot, all fans are running though. Has a sealed system issue. Please call customer with quote. They will probably replace fridge. ; saved tckt"
We serviced a
Model E522B
Near Minneapolis, MN 55426
Job Details: 11/09/2023
Fridge cooling well. No issues with cooling although he said it seems like compressor always running. No frost build up in freezer. Flashing binary error code. Fridge beeps when you open the fresh food door or freezer door. Binary code is #2 for defrost not coming on long enough for two cycles. Or not recognizing that things defrosted after 40 minutes. Took back panel off and its incased in ice. Checked in forced defrost and 120 coming to heater. Heater doesnt come on. It ohms as OL. Needs new heater or fuse. Quoted and coming back to install. Manual defrost mode is attached in photos. ; ordrd 1 818980P (Heater assembly)
We serviced a
Model DW80M2020US
Near Eden Prairie, MN 55347
Job Details: 11/09/2023
Customers complaint DOESNT RUN THROUGH CYCLES. NORMAL CYCLE BUTTON IS BLINKING THIS IS LEAK INDICATOR. Pulled unit out on protective mat. Ran unit and found right away that the valve is leaking. Will need new valve. Dey has one left ordered part. Customer isnt available will need to call to reschedule ; ordrd 1 DD82-01588A (Valve)
We serviced a
Near Lakeville, MN 55044
Job Details: 11/09/2023
Found that the refrigerator is leaking underneath crisper drawer and then down onto floor. Drain line is frozen over and needs drain kit. Sending quote for autho but already went ahead and rescheduled tenant because there is a lot of ice build behind the evaporator cover and tenant will need to unplug and let the refrigerator defrost so I can pull back cover off to do repair.Sent pictures and quote to AlessandraOffice: If we dont get autho please contact tenant so they are aware of next steps. (I have parts truck stock); ordrd 1 SH502 (Heater kit) and 1 DA32-10104N (Defrost sensor) and 1 DA82-01415A (Drain kit)
We serviced a
Model RF368LXPT 0
Near Coon Rapids, MN 55433
Job Details: 11/08/2023
"Installed refurbished main PCB. Ran it on bake with it set to 350, and it cycled great. Did not have runaway temps."
We serviced a
Model FFCD2413US4A
Near Richfield, MN 55423
Job Details: 11/08/2023
"Replaced bad main PCB and door gasket and bottom door gasket wiper. Ran it, no leaks now. Drains great. Drain line is looped up high how its supposed to be. Old bottom wiper seal was deformed and old door gasket was compressed in all the way. Also raised front of dishwasher higher so that its level and not tipped forward."
We serviced a
Near Minneapolis, MN 55401
Job Details: 11/08/2023
Making a horrible sound. Sounds like someone scratching their nails on a chalk board. The sound reverberates throughout the condo. Found the cover on top of the dryer was bent down and the drum was rubbing up on it. I took off the cover and bent it back into place. Now it runs great and sounds super quiet.
We serviced a
Model GDT665SSN3SS
Near North Saint Paul, MN 55109
Job Details: 11/08/2023
Replaced water valve and pressure sensor. Tested and washer fills and no more errors. Washer is running and working good.
We serviced a
Model WT7100CW
Near Ramsey, MN 55303
Job Details: 11/08/2023
Customer complaint is the washer will shut off halfway during the cycle right before spin and displays the OE fault code. The OE fault code indicates a drain issue. The customer said the washer is draining all the water out every time just wont spin. We ran diagnostics a couple times filled the machine all the way to the top and ran the drain and the drain pump is working great every time no issues. We diagnosed that it would need a new main control board. We gave the customer a quote for the repair and at this time the customer declined the repair.
We serviced a
Model FFTR1814WB2
Near Minneapolis, MN 55445
Job Details: 11/08/2023
The customer said when the refrigerator turns and turns off it makes a loud popping sound. When we arrived the refrigerator was running and it sounded quiet. We turned it off and let sit 10 minutes. We turned it back on and the compressor started and all the fans. It still sounds good. I pulled the fridge out and removed the rear cover. I found nothing hitting or rubbing. From what the customer described it sounds like flashing. I explained how flashing works and the different noises he can hear with the R600 refrigerant.
We serviced a
Model BS7490TST3U
Near Minneapolis, MN 55416
Job Details: 11/08/2023
Customers complaint door not shutting properly and setting off alarm. Found the door rubbing on the side of the cabinet. First thing I did removed the toe kick panel. Found the right side which its leaning towards is light sinking. Raisied the right foot and now the door isnt rubbing. Found that the door panel it self is coming off tried my best to adjust. Also have a code for the check condenser. Called tech line. He explained how to clear. Its a once a year reminder. Hold enter for five seconds. Explained this to customer.
We serviced a
Near Minneapolis, MN 55401
Job Details: 11/08/2023
We used all parts and repaired the dispenser assembly. The ice now dispenses out the door and dispenses water.
We serviced a
Near White Bear Lake, MN 55110
Job Details: 11/08/2023
"Icemaker stopped mid harvest. Replaced Icemaker.
We serviced a
Near Minneapolis, MN 55414
Job Details: 11/08/2023
"Found that the gas to dryer was turned off. Turned on gas and dryer is heating and working good.I did replace flex venting with rigid. Tested and dryer is heating and working good.
We serviced a
Model DW16.1XL
Near Minneapolis, MN 55431
Job Details: 11/08/2023
Installed pressure switch from last diagnosis. Once installed tested multiple times. Works great. No leaks. Reassembled unit installed back to original location.
We serviced a
Model AGR5712ADW
Near Minneapolis, MN 55406
Job Details: 11/08/2023
"Found that igniter is weak and wont turn on gas and eventually it might and will has gas smell before it ignites. Customer approved estimate. Replaced igniter, tested and once preheats and is working good.
We serviced a
Model KDTM404KPS 0
Near Excelsior, MN 55331
Job Details: 11/08/2023
Installed new seal. Let unit run for 30 minutes no leaks. Reassembled and now unit is working properly
We serviced a
Model LSB6300LW0
Near Plymouth, MN 55442
Job Details: 11/08/2023
The washer does not agitate well. The agitator dogs are worn out. I replaced the dogs and tested the washer. It now washes well and drains and spins.
We serviced a
Model WFW70HEBW0
Near Long Lake, MN 55356
Job Details: 11/08/2023
Unit giving error code for bad drain. Went through test mode unit has a really week drain. Removed the back of the unit. Drained the remainder of water removed the filter and found 5 articles of clothing. Removed clothing and cleaned filter. Reassembled and testing unit is working great and no leaks
We serviced a
Model PB960SJ3SS
Near Eagan, MN 55123
Job Details: 11/08/2023
"Replaced bad burner, and took his old vent hood since he doesnt need it anymore. It doesnt work. Ill dispose of it. Cook top works great now."
We serviced a
Model WFW94HEXW2
Near Maple Grove, MN 55311
Job Details: 11/08/2023
"Returned, pulled washer out. Removed the back cover, replaced the board. Cycled and tested the drum now turns, the machine is working as it should"
We serviced a
Model WDT920SADM2
Near Medina, MN 55340
Job Details: 11/08/2023
"Customer complaint was the wheels on the lower rack were broken and the soap dispenser lid was broken off the soap dispenser. Replaced all 4 wheels on the lower rack, installed new soap dispenser, checked for codes(none) cycled and tested machine."
We serviced a
Model WM3470HVA
Near Long Lake, MN 55356
Job Details: 11/08/2023
Door boot is bad. Removed and replaced with new. Did from the front with out removed the unit from under the cabinet and it is a drain pan. Once install tested multiplied times for leaks through all features. Everything is working properly
We serviced a
Model GCRG3038AFC
Near Medina, MN 55391
Job Details: 11/08/2023
Customers complaint door handle is busted. Found the right side is busted where the handle mounts the welds busted. Replaced handle. I explained to the customer also if it comes loose just snug it because you will break it if you over tighten
We serviced a
Model 665.137773k603
Near Minneapolis, MN 55417
Job Details: 11/08/2023
Found that the chopper blade is broke and food blocked filter and prevent pump from pushing water. Customer approved estimate. Replaced chopper blade. Tested and dishwasher now is washing and spray arms spinning. Dishwasher is working good.
We serviced a
Model D5636
Near Minneapolis, MN 55419
Job Details: 11/08/2023
Dishwasher getting F11 error and will fill then drain and wont advance. Found that the pressure sensor tube was clogged with hard water and grease gunk. Was able to clean from inside and dishwasher now fills and advances cycle normally. Suggested customer get their soft water system checked out because there is a lot of hard water build up. Also told customer to use the finish dishwasher cleaner to really clean inside of the dishwasher.Dishwasher is working good.
We serviced a
Model B36FD50SNS/01
Near Rogers, MN 55374
Job Details: 11/08/2023
The customer said the ice maker was making a noise then stopped making ice. We replaced the ice maker and parts sent. I reset the power so the board works with the new ice maker.
We serviced a
Model WFW560CHW4
Near Minneapolis, MN 55414
Job Details: 11/08/2023
"Redo. There are no stored error codes. I then put it into service mode and did test 012 which is the quick service cycle. It never spun 820. It did a slow spin. Then it finished the quick service cycle and there were no error codes. I took it out of test mode and put back into test mode, and doubled checked. No errors. Now I have it on a drain and spin cycle and it spins way faster. Ran it on a 17 minute spin and drain cycle and it went all the way through and spun great, no water left in washer. Quoted for new main PCB. Told them that it would be $100 less if they had the dryer down before I came to install the board. But also that its working fine for me, except for it doing a low spin in test mode but not a high speed spin. No error codes though. ; saved tckt"
We serviced a
Model WM2101HW
Near Minneapolis, MN 55418
Job Details: 11/08/2023
"Tenant wasnt here. I waited 25 minutes. Spoke with owner, she couldnt reach tenant. We rescheduled for Friday afternoon: if that doesnt work for some reason, please call her to reschedule. ; schdld next appmnt for 11/10 FRI PM, states that autho needed"
We serviced a
Model 110.22342511
Near White Bear Lake, MN 55110
Job Details: 11/08/2023
"Tenant says was leaking a lot of water from underneath washer. Ran test and found that when it drains into wash tub the water backs up and comes out of the floor drain not the washer.Office: please notify that it needs a plumber.; saved tckt , states that autho needed"